Mshabab Alrizah

Welcom to my website

Mshabab Alrizah

About my Self

Nothing new now, just building a new path. Simply, I’m an inventor and motivated to come up with new things. That tempts me to change my way for more success. One year, I will give you the update, the cheerful update. 

However, I am the same person,

  • lover of technologies,
  • very passionate about development, and
  • pointing to the stars to catch the moon.

I hold a Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering from the Pennsylvania State University (PSU)–University Park (main campus) with 8 years of experimental research experience. It is my honor to work with and be a student of Prof.  Sencun Zhu from Pennsylvania State University. He is a great person who has helped the academic community and made a positive impact on computer science with his brilliant and logical research. I am happy that I got the chance to work with Dr.  Wang-Chien Lee during my Master’s study at PSU.

I used to be an assistant professor at King Khaled University in Saudi Arabia. Moreover, I was working with Imam Mohammad Ibn Saud Islamic University (IMSIU) during the second semester of the 2020/2021 academic year. In addition, I had a great time when I was working with the Smart Knowledge Training company (SKT) during the summer of 2021. 

For personal life, please look at the Personal webpage.

Research Interests

My main research interests include tools and techniques for

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Cybersecrurity.

Literally everything. My recent projects include Machine learning, data mining, e-commerce ranking and reliability, e-commerce and social networking, Web security, Internet user privacy, e-commerce security, and smartphone issues. Moreover, I am looking to work in cloud computing and big data analysis.

The following section has ongoing projects; for more information about the past and present projects please go to the webpage Research

Research Projects

My research target to reach the highest level of professionalism and productivity in technology to contribute to change that makes my country first in the world in technology. To achieve the target, there is three main keys the research depends on: realistic and high-quality research, effective cooperation with colleagues and impacted researchers, and my passion or enthusiasm to contribute to the development. The following are the last three research projects I work with now. Pleases follow the Research  webpage of clieck on MORE. 


Let met summarize what I do in three quotations I like the most:

  • Benjamin Franklin said: “Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.”
  • Whereas Mark Van Doren said. “The art of teaching is the art of assisting discovery.”
  • And lastly, William G. Spady said “All students can learn and succeed, but not in the same way and not in the same day.”

My experiences and teaching documents can be found on the Teaching webpage


In this section, I try to provide the best papers that will help any research that interested to work with Cybersecurity, Deep Learning, Security of Deep Learning, Security of IoT,  and more. These selected papers have been recommended by great researchers and scholars I met and dealt with.  

Selected Papers

Deep Learning

In recent years, deep artificial neural networks (including recurrent ones) have won numerous contests in pattern recognition and machine learning. This historical survey compactly summarizes relevant work, much of it
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In recent years, the convolutional neural network (CNN) has achieved great success in many computer vision tasks. Partially inspired by neuroscience, CNN shares many properties with the visual system of
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This paper reports a novel deep architecture referred to as Maxout network In Network (MIN), which can enhance model discriminability and facilitate the process of information abstraction within the receptive
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Embedded systems are the driving force for technological development in many domains such as automotive, healthcare, and industrial control in the emerging post-PC era. As more and more computational and
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Flaws in cryptosystem implementations, such as the Heartbleed bug, render common confidentiality mechanisms ineffective. Defending in depth when this happens would require a different means of providing confidentiality, which could
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We focus on detecting samples from anomalous latent classes, “buried” within a collected batch of known (“normal”) class samples. In our setting, the number of features for each sample is
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Internet and User privacy

Usage behaviors of different smartphone apps capture different views of an individual’s life, and are largely independent of each other. However, in the current mobile app ecosystem, a curious party
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Device tracking is a serious threat to the privacy of users, as it enables spying on their habits and activities. A recent practice embeds ultrasonic beacons in audio and tracks
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Ad-blocking systems such as Adblock Plus rely on crowdsourcing to build and maintain filter lists, which are the basis for determining which ads to block on web pages. In this
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My scientific philosophy

البحث العلمي ليس كل شيء، بل إن التعليم هو القدم الثانية للمضي في تطوير الذات والمجتمع، إن البحث العلمي يؤتي ثماره عندما يكسب الإنسان معلومة جديدة، ولكن قطف هذه الثمار لا يأتي إلا بتعليم الغير، اننا في هذه الحياة راحلون، والعلم باقي الى ان تقوم الساعة او أن يشاء الله، فهناك من يخدم العلم ويكون جسر يوصل العلم من جيل سابق إلى جيل لاحق، وهنا حق له ان يسمى عالم.

لا يوجد إنسان ذكي وآخر اذكى منه أو غبي. الكل سواسية ولكن الظروف هي من تجعل البعض يعرف والبعض يجهل. لذلك يجب ان يكون الباحث منطقياً في بحثه ليصل إلى هدفه. ومحترفاً ليوصل هدفه الى غيره. والطالب مثل الورقة البحثية. كلاهما يحتاج ضروف مناسبة يصنعها العالم لكي يجعل منها نموذجاً للعطاء.

إن التدريس فن لا يتقنه الجاهل ابداً!

والبحث حرفة لا يتقنها الكسول ابداً!

وكلاهما رسالة “سامية”. لها ذات العنوان:

إقرأ بسم ربك الذي خلق

Please be Safe

“For safety is not a gadget but a state of mind.” – Eleanor Everet

“Prepare and prevent, don’t repair and repent.” – Author Unknown