Mshabab Alrizah

Operating System

من المهم جداً ان يكون هدفنا في التعليم هو رضى الله سبحانه ومن ثم خدمة انفسنا ووطننا. وذلك لن يكون بدون التوكل على الله سبحانه. فاجعلوا همتكم تعانق السماء متوكلين على الله سبحانه

UNIX is basically a simple operating system, but you have to be a genius to understand the simplicity…Dennis Ritchie


About the course

The course is designed to provide the students with an overview of operating system basic concepts. It will begin with an overview of the structure of modern operating systems. The other specific topics are process concepts, algorithms for CPU scheduling, process synchronization, and deadlocks.

Also, it will introduce the core concepts of operating systems, such as file systems, principal and virtual memory
management, file systems, and input and output device management mass storage structure. The course will consist of weekly lectures, labs, quizzes, assignments, and exams. The goal of the lectures is to introduce the core concepts. The goal of the labs is to give students some exposure to operating system code. Students are expected to read the assigned materials prior to each class and to participate in in-class discussions.


Dr. Mshabab Alrizah

Location: TBA

Office hourse: TBA


Monday: 10 AM-11 AM

Teaching Assistants


Office Location: nan

Office hours: nan

Email: nan



Programing Language: C 

Skills: familiar with Unix/Linux (At least you can run it) + VirtualBox


Operating System Concepts, 10th Edition, ABRAHAM SILBERSCHATZ, PETER BAER GALVIN, GREG GAGNE, Wiley,

More resours


Homework and programming assignments

Assignments #1:

Assignment #2:

Assignment #3:

Assignment #4:

Project #1:

project #2:


Evaluation and grade

Assignments: 10 % 

Quizzes: 10%

Project: 15%

Two Midterm exams: 20% (First exam 10%, second exam 10%)

Final exam: 40%

Attendance: 5%


This schedule is subject to change depending on how the course progresses.

WEEKTopicSlidesAssignment/ HW outAssignment/ HW Due
1Introduction to Operating System

Operating System operations, Operating system components

Assignment 1Quiz 1
3Process Management Project 1Assignment 1
4Process Management
5Process synchronization First Mid- Term Exam
6Process synchronization Project 1
7CPU Scheduling Assignment 2Quiz2
8Principal Memory Management Assignment 2
9Principal Memory Management Project 2Second Mid- Term Exam
10Virtual Memory
11Virtual Memory Assignment 3Project 2
12Mass Storage Structure Project3Assignment 3
13File System Interface Quiz3
14File System Interface Assignment 4 Project3
15Review Assignment 4
16Final Examination Final Examination